Gaba 27,28,29,30,31回目


■ 27回目 / 28回目
Where did you grow up?
I recommend ...
When I was there.../When I was Shanghai...
If you're interested in...

■ 29回目
I went to the office, but I couldn't work because of hang over.
In the afternoon, I felt better.
My wife was angry with me because I was drunk.

If you vomit on the grass, it's like fertilizer(肥料).

When I was young, I moved to many prefectures because of my father's job.
I'm happy I was able to live in many different places.
I searched for old friends on FB.
FB is convenient, but it's also a burden(重荷).

Commuting to work during rush hour is a hassle. (... is a hassle. めんどくさい感じ)

I've worked at Gaba for 12 years off and on.

My memory is blurry(ぼやけた).

The apartment I lived in was very small and cramped(窮屈).

unicycle : 一輪車
bicycle :自転車
tricycle :三輪車
prestigious :一流の
inappropriate :不適当な
weird ≒ strange
soy sauce :醤油
disgusting :気持ち悪い

■ 30回目
【while/during 使い分け】
I go to Gaba while she is swimming.
I go to Gaba during her lesson.

How would you like that?
⇒ In 20's and 10's please. (20ドル札と10ドル札でください。)

I'm hoping to 〜
Put it face down/up. (裏/表でおいてください)
Don't forget to take the original. (コピーが終わったときの決まり文句)
I'd like a refund please.

Sales were slightly higer in Aug than Jan.
went up = increased = rose
went down = decrease = fell
slightly = a little
significantly = a lot
stayed = were stable = stabilized

Slipped and fell
Should I call a doctor?
Hold on → I'll call an ambulance.

You can't miss it

refund = get/return money back

■ 31回目

That's life ≒ Cest la Vie (セラヴィ)

What do you think about Japan?
How do you feel about Japan?

I had 3 loads of laundry.

• Clothes sounds like close.
• Make sure it doesn't sound like closes.

1500 = fifteen hundred.
XY00 = XY hundred
• Y cannot be 0

The Frightening dog Vs. The Frightened dog
 ED = feeling
ING = description
• The (X)ing movie made me (X)ed.
• I'm (X)ed by (X)ing movies.

Remember that it's okay to feel bored, but you don't want to be boring.
(○) I'm excited
(×) I'm exciting

The frightening dog makes me frightened.
I'm frightened by the frightening movie.